Thursday, December 07, 2006

Planet Thanet Easter Ale Festival 2007

Tagline at time of publish:
A forum for discussion of ideas regarding The Planet Thanet Easter Ale Festival 2007.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does this get in, and two blogs that have been around for (very slightly) longer ie. Frances Oapen and Justin Brown, get ignored? Is there a hidden agenda here? If so what is it?

4:55 pm  
Blogger thanetbloglist said...

Frances didn't ask to go on the list (and is leaving herblog now anyway), and Justin Brown's is obviously an attack on one of our other bloggers.

If you come out from hiding then maybe we can discuss this more.

There is no hidden agenda,it is just not a suitable blog.

5:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So actually there is a kind of agenda i.e.

1. No bloggers who are attacking other bloggers
2. And you have to ask to come in.

I thought the Thanet Blog List was here to keep an independent eye on the local blogging scene and add blogs as and when they appeared, without any judgement. Guess I got it wrong.

And what happened to the revamp?!?!

BTW I'm nothing to do with Justin Brown, merely a curious and concerned observer who generally thinks you're keeping up the good work, but may have fallen down on the job slightly!

9:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if I may quote your own primary listing:

This blog is intended to be a list of all Thanet bloggers. The best will be done to search and include all the blogs that are out there and present them on this site. There will be no attempt to decide whether a blog has appropriate or inappropriate content other than whether it is in Thanet. This listing takes no responsibility for anything you find on these blogs.

9:25 am  
Blogger thanetbloglist said...

Well I guess you've got me on that one, and so I'll include it.

It's good to have others to keep me on my toes, and nice to get some more input.

The revamp is coming, but has been on the backburner for a while but it will be here for the New Year.

I've (think) I've got it kinda sorted in where we will be going but of course there still a lot of tinkering to be done.

One big change will be that previously we've only accepted blogs, but after the changeover we'll be accepting anything that we actually term as a blog (and so a new mission statement will be made).

I'll be putting a preview on the this page pretty soon, so keep watching.

1:05 pm  
Blogger Justin Brown said...

Sweeties, sweeties! Who is it that I'm allegedly attacking?
You girls obviously know something that I don't!
Is it that picture?
If so, I'll have you know that JJ almost begged me to use it. He wanted a bit of recognition but was struggling and flailing a little.
You do get your knickers in a twist.
Would you like me to come and straighten them out for you?

1:12 pm  
Blogger thanetbloglist said...

Hi Justin, well as long as JJ doesn't mind.

I have already posted on your blog, and we'll leave it at that.

A mistake on my part then. (always nice to get a bit of controversy around here.)

Welcome to the Thanet Blog List.

1:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on yer TBL!

Please don't think I was getting at you, it's just a slippery slope if you start excluding blogs for any reason IMHO. I was alwyas under the impression this was the place where I could find everything on the Thanet blogging scene. I'm happy to make my own judgement as to whether the content sucks or not.

Looking forward the revamp. All the best, have a great Xmas!

1:38 pm  
Blogger thanetbloglist said...

agreed anonymous.

If you see my slipping again then please don't hesitate to get back in touch.

I must admit it's nice to get activity on the site, and hopefully the new site will develop this idea further.

1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't speak for everyone but personally I very much appreciate the unpaid hard work you put into this site. Many thanks.

1:46 pm  

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